2004 - Sample of screen grab of Paramount International Television's B2B website main page.  Page designed and composited in Photoshop.
2011 - The graphics (above & two below) are sample screen grabs of some the web pages in the dalaicamel.com website.  Page designed and composited in Photoshop.
2001 - Screen grab of a Flash website I was, at the time, developing for Vision Interactive, a division of Vision Entettainment.  The opening motion graphics for this site is located on http://jeffcrowe.org/animation.  Designed, composited, animated and programmed in Flash.
2002 - DVD menu mockup for NFL multi-media presentation pitch.  Designed and composited in Photoshop.
2000 - Screen grab of DVD menu for Buena Vista International Television.  Upon selecting a catagory from the marquee, the viewer was wisked through the doors into the lobby, where another marquee would present further options, then wisked away to a theatre for viewing.  The neon, gold letters and marquee bulbs animated to simulate actual theatre light activity.  Designed, constructed, lit, animated and rendered in 3D Max.
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