2017 - With a few clips (property of adobe.com) and Premiere Pro, I put together a video short showcasing my talent for creating effects, transitions, animation and editing on live-action video.
2016 - 3D environments from 2D images with the use of Camera Mapping, PSD Layer Objects, Vanishing Point Parallax and Corner Pinning.  Image manipulation done in Photoshop.  Composited and animated in After Effects.  Edited in Premiere Pro.
2015 - A self-project/promotional compilation of After Effects/Cinema 4D techniques and effects I have acquired over the years, as well as some new ones in the course of making this demo.
2015 - A self-project exercise in mask and path animation while being created to resemble a commercial.  To save time on this production, I sourced women images that held wine (or martini) glasses in positions where I could easily remove and replace with wine glasses (filled red) more useful to this project.  All images were then modified to black & white and run through Photoshop's "sketch" effect.  All graphics were then composited, animated and rendered in 3D space in After Effects.
2015 - This self-project was an exercise in the different types of displacement animation.  I added some additional effects throughout the demo.  Composited, animated and rendered (intro in 3D space) in After Effects.
2011 - Flash cartoon short I produced and created for Deluxe Media Management client Craig Rachlin, a talented writer who's alter-ego is a humorous, character named "The Dalai Camel".  Taking direction from Mr. Rachlin's script, I engineered the recording of the dialog (Mr. Rachlin and I provided the voices) and handled all other aspects of the production: soundtrack editing/compositing, story-boarding , animatic and character/background development (in Flash.)  Designed, animated and rendered in Flash.
NOTE! - The humor is kind of "tongue-in-cheek" and a bit "adult" in nature.  When viewing, please don't be offended for this project represents a major milestone for me in terms of production and commitment.
1998 - A self-project excercise in CGI underwater effects and particle animation.  Modeled, mapped, textured, lighted and rendered in 3D Max.  
2003 - One day at Deluxe, I was tasked to learn Discreet's 3DMAX Reactor plugin (that the company had just purchased) and to create something with it. This result ended up being shown as a wall projection in the company's lunch and event area.  Modeled, mapped, textured, lighted and rendered in 3D Max.
2004 - This Deluxe commercial was part of a continuously running collection of vender commercials shown on close-circuit screens all around the 2004 ShoWest convention.  I later added sound for demo purposes.  Modeled, mapped, textured, lighted and rendered in 3D Max.
2005 - This show logo/intro animation was created for Deluxe client Illuminare Entertainment.  "Reality School L.A." was one of three shows (debuted at NATPE 2005) that I designed on for Illuminare.  "L.A." mask animated in After Effects.  Modeled, mapped, textured, lighted and rendered in 3D Max.
2001 - This title card was created for Vision Interactive.  Later, I added music to it for demo purposes.  Modeled, mapped, textured, lighted and rendered in 3D Max. 
1999 - DVD menu, set in a "game show" motif, for promoting Vision Interactive's DVD authoring capabilities.  Bad Bunny Pictures and Standard Register were clients of Vision Entertainment.  Their DVD projects, also created by the interactive division, are represented as animated menu selections.  Soundtrack composited and exported in Cakewalk.  "Vanna" was rigged and animated in Character Studio.  Modeled, mapped, textured, lighted and rendered in 3D Max. 
2007 - This animation played on a flat screen residing atop a Deluxe promotional kiosk for ShoWest 2007.  Graphics created in Photoshop and animated in After Effects.
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