2009 - What started out as a simple title treatment design for Deluxe Media Management client Bandana Pictures turned into a movie poster & DVD cover art project after showing them their yet-to-be-approved title treatment in a mock movie poster setting (I had come up with the tagline shown above title treatment.)  They loved the design so much that they had me turn it into a promotional movie poster and on the front panel of the DVD cover art.  With client-provided text and images, DVD cover art was designed and composited in Photoshop.
2000 - Binder cover art for a Vision Entertainment presentation.  Each inset image (taken by me) displays a depiction of each aspect of the company's business model.  Designed and composited in Photoshop.
2003 - Power Point presentation cover art for Deluxe.  A image mix of sourced, company provided and freshly shot (by me) displays a broad depiction of aspects of the company's business model.  Designed and composited in Photoshop.
2000 - Inner brochure/mini-poster graphics created for Vision Entertainment.  Images photographed by me.  Designed and composited in Photoshop.
2008 - One day at Deluxe Media Management, I had recieved an urgent emailed request from the Vice President of Sales and Client Relations to put together a three-fold brochure in a hurry (above image: outer graphic / below image: inner graphic.)  With the provided text info and instructions on the look and feel the V.P. was seeking, image and logos were sourced, then designed and composited in Photoshop.
2014 - Self-project 2-page magazine article layout (mockup). Typograpghy and layout created in InDesign.
2010 - Self-project: one of my favorite things to do is designing & creating paper and cardboard models.  It's been a hobby of mine ever since my youth.  The above graphic was for a Christmas diorama of two battery-operated trains going around a present & toy laden tree.  Designed and composited in Photoshop.
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