2010 - (above and below) These comps were part of a group of images that were once accessible on "The Dalai Camel" website.  Following the client's written descriptions, 29 images were created (sourced for content population, cleaned up, touched up, composited, shaped, shaded and color-corrected in Photoshop.)
2004 - The topmost image was the final result from compositing the lower three images together.  Created for Michael Alvarez, Jr. the CEO Deluxe Media Management. Mr. Alvarez requested placing himself in a casiino setting with an Elvis impersonator for an inside joke he shared with some of his Deluxe clients.  Composited and color/contrast correction in Photoshop.  Masks with varied feather sizes were created around the body objects' edges to create an illusion of depth within the new backgrund.  The background image was of two duplicate images; upper image with blur.  I masked this blurred layer to hide all but a thick, feathered perimeter around the two bodies to give further depth.  Also, two types of pixel-thin borders surrounded each character’s edge (light and dark) to mimic the interaction of foreground edges and background view.s
2015 - (above and below) HDR projects showcasing experience in the creating and combining of multiple exposures, HDR filtering, isolated color enhancements and high-pass detail & depth.  Image wizardry created in Photoshop
2014 - City World" was designed and composited in Photoshop using the Polar Coordinates filter.
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